Hair Sciences Center is Now RESTORE™
Hair Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado is proud to announce their partnership with the leading hair restoration company, RESTORE Hair.

Hair Sciences Center in Denver is now RESTORE Denver. The same doctors you know and trust, with the leading Hair Restoration company.
Dr. James Harris is a recognized leader and innovator in the field of hair restoration. He's restored thousands of patient's hair over his 25 year career.
Dr. James Harris
Medical Director & Hair
Restoration Surgeon
Denver, CO
Real Clients,
Real Results
Unnatural looking hair plugs, donor area linear scarring & long painful recoveries are a thing of the past.
The RESTORE F.U.E. Method is a quick, safe and comfortable outpatient procedure. The process to get your back takes less than a day.
F.U.E. Method
*only available in Denver, CO,
coming soon to all RESTORE locations
Imagine...growing thicker, fuller hair with the revolutionary RESTORE
No-Shave Method. You'll be in and out in a day, with little or no downtime. Your hair loss won't stop until you do something about it.