I could write an entire chapter about the myths and facts of hair loss prevention…and as a matter of fact I have. The Internet age has been a boon for information on many a medical condition, but with beauty bloggers posing as experts offering “miracle” remedies, the conversation around hair loss has only become more confusing. But there are real, scientifically proven ways to prevent hair loss. Lets look at subject from both angles.
Hair loss prevention myths
The Grocery List Myth
Some of the most enduring myths about hair loss prevention include “secret” recipes passed down the generations that purportedly prevent hair loss or encourage hair growth. These include oils, rubs and pastes are made from various ingredients including lavender, hibiscus, garlic, onion, henna, fenugreek, avocado, saffron, gooseberry, ghee, sage, burdock, ginger, licorice, black castor oil, and hundreds of other ordinary or exotic plants and foods touted for sprouting hair. A recurring claim is that somehow these potions “stimulate” dormant follicles. However, there is not a single study on any of these concoctions that has ever withstood scientific scrutiny. Indeed, if such a simple remedy actually existed it would be no one’s secret, but rather a globally celebrated and widely used substance.
The Chill Out Myth
This myth posits that hair loss is stress related. Curb the stress over relationships, finances or work and stop the hair loss. This myth also cannot withstand scrutiny. While certain situations such as surgeries and extreme nutrition deficiencies can indeed make one’s hair fall out, this is a temporary situation that can be reversed. It has nothing to do with male pattern baldness (MPB) or female pattern baldness (FPB).
The Hygiene Myth
According to this theory, a deadly brew of air pollutants, dead cells, dust and grime chokes the hair follicle’s access to fresh air, rendering it incapable of growth. But this begs a few obvious questions, such as: why does the hair on the back and sides of men’s heads continue to flourish? Are we to assume that women are cleaner than men since they do not experience the visible balding pattern of MPB? The fact is that poor hygiene may not make you a very attractive date, but it will in no way make your hair fall out.
Hair loss prevention facts
After that trip down mythology lane, let’s get to the facts. Decades of research in hair loss prevention by the scientific community have resulted in some medical treatments that actually work. They are:
- Minoxidil, sold under the product name Rogaine™
- Finasteride, sold under the product name Propecia™
- Laser Therapy
- Platelet Rich Plasma with ACell
- Some shampoos such as Nizoral®
Learn how to save the hair you have, or see detailed information about non-surgical treatments for hair restoration.
Read more about myths relating to baldness on my website.
Contact my clinic for a consultation or ask me a question about your unique situation and how we might treat it.
Dr. James Harris is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, inventor of patented follicular unit excision technology, published author in the field of hair restoration and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Harris or read rave reviews from his patients.