Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Number of friendswho can tell you had ahair transplant (really!)

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Using the ARTAS System,we create a 3D simulation ofexpected results

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Average number of costoptions for any procedure

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Hair by the numbers: percentage of 50-year-old menwho experience hair loss

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Average number of costoptions for any procedure

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Increase of women’s hair transplantsurgeries in the past decade

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Number of physiciansawarded the Golden FollicleAward annually. (Dr. Harriswas the 2014 recepient.)

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Average number of graftstransplanted during a one-dayhair restoration procedure

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Increase global hairtransplant surgeriesover the past decade

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & StatsHair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Average number of costoptions for any procedure

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Percentage of hairtransplant doctors whoare diplomats of theAmerican Board of HairRestoration Surgery

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Of hair transplant surgerypatients are women

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Of all hair transplant surgeriesare for restoring eyebrows

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Average age of a personopting for a hair transplantprocedure

Hair by the Numbers, Facts & Stats

Level of satisfaction youcan expect from Dr. HarrisContact The Doctor >

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& Save $1,000 on Your FUE Procedure.

Exact cost depends on your level of hair loss. Tell us about your hair loss to get a quick quote. A full head of hair pays off for a lifetime.

$1,000 off full price. Cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers.

$1,000 off full price. Cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers.  

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