It’s no secret that hair loss is inevitable as you age. You don’t know when and how it will occur. Hair Loss is a common condition that varies in rate, time, and level of occurrence from one person to another. Various researches show that men typically register a receding hairline before they get to their 30s, starting as early as the end of puberty. In a few cases, the receding hairline might progress until you run out of hair. Here is what you should know:
How A Receding Hairline Affects your Hair
If you start losing hair from your temples backward, you might be experiencing a condition known as male pattern baldness. While some men get a bald spot, others lose their hairlines, especially at the temples, which then develop into an ‘M’ shape. In severe cases of massive hair loss, a ‘V’ shape typically forms by pushing the hairline further inside the scalp. In some men, the hair at the top of the head or back starts to fall off immediately or over the years, resulting in a completely bald head.
So, what is the Real Problem?
Your hair consists of protein strands. Every strand has a lifetime of two to seven years. However, aging considerably reduces this life cycle, and the immediate result is the falling of soft and short hairs. Although new hair should replace falling hair, this usually is not the case with aging. The hair follicle at the scalp’s surface fails to return the aging hairs, which eventually causes the hairline to recede. Some cases of receding hairline are genetic.
Contact the Restore Experts
As Dr. Bergfeld notes, ‘There’s no one who has the hair at 60 or 70 that they had at 15.’ Although you’ll experience hair loss at some point in your life, always look for means to extend the life of your hair. At RESTORE, we are dedicated to helping you get your hair back quickly and naturally. We offer a variety of treatments for receding hairlines. We guarantee virtually undetectable results. With our modern solutions, you can get healthy hair follicles transferred to the bald areas at your own comfort through our no-shave FUE method. We offer services in Denver, Dallas, Charlotte, New York and Chicago. To learn more about our service offerings, contact us today. We are always at your service.