How’s this for a dream come true: you don a helmet, and look like you are going on a bike ride (or maybe like a Star Wars storm trooper). You sip some coffee and read the morning paper for 20 minutes, and presto! A full head of hair.

If this sounds too good to be true it’s because it is—at least at this point in time. Laser therapy helmets provide no magical cure for hair loss, but they do provide a number of distinct benefits. At RESTORE we only offer FDA-cleared, scientifically tested, state-of-the-art solutions to hair loss, and the hands-free, at-home Theradome™ laser therapy unit is among them.

So Is Laser Therapy For Hair Loss Right For You?
Now the question is, can you benefit from wearing a laser helmet? In short, if you are a woman, the answer is “yes.” And men, don’t worry, because the Theradome™ is in the final stages of FDA approval and is slated to be approved for men by summer of 2016. This doesn’t mean that men can’t use the device, it just hasn’t been officially cleared.

In clinical studies, all participants wearing the Theradome™ for 20 minutes a day experienced one or more of the following:

  • A slowing down of hair loss typically occurring 4-18 weeks into treatment
  • An increase in hair follicle size, which promotes fuller, more lustrous hair and typically begins 18-26 weeks into treatment
  • Growth of new healthy hair, which is normally seen at 26-52 weeks into treatment

Theradome™ may be used in conjunction with other non-surgical hair restoration products such as Rogaine™. Akin to an exercise regimen, the treatments must be integrated into your routine twice a week to continue to receive the full benefits.

What’s The Science Behind It All?
Theradome™ employs Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), and has 80 proprietary lasers that emit coherent laser light, unlike LEDs and laser pointers which are not lasers. Hair growth is stimulated by firing cool lasers at the scalp to target hair follicles, stimulate microcirculation, and improve cells’ metabolism. Using lasers as opposed to LEDs is critical for hair restoration. These lasers produce virtually no heat, but still allow the maximum amount of light and energy to be delivered to the area.

How Does IGrow Compare?
Igrow uses 21 lasers and 30 LED lighting units, the latter not being effective in any way for hair growth.  Theradome helmets ensure that the laser light is optimized for hair growth with the correct treatment time, output power and low heat generation. The Theradome™ is made here in the U.S. in an FDA-registered medical device facility, and is designed to last over 6,000 hours.

Is TheradomeTM effective post-transplant?
In short: yes. Transplants cause trauma to nearby hairs and using the TheradomeTM will alleviate these effects by providing extra energy for healing. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) assists the growth of newly planted follicles by: 1) accelerating the healing process; 2) reducing redness/inflammation; 3) decreasing discomfort; and 4) encouraging transplanted hairs to grow faster.

Contact my clinic for a consultation or ask me a question about your unique situation and how we might treat it.  


Dr. James A. Harris is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, inventor of patented follicular unit excision technology, published author in the field of hair restoration and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Harris or read rave reviews from his patients.


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